School Uniform
Furness Primary Dress Code
Every pupil must wear the school uniform. We believe that the wearing of a school uniform fosters the feeling of belonging and encourages children to take pride in their school and their learning environment. We are very grateful to parents and carers for supporting the school with the wearing of our school uniform.
The official school uniform can be obtained from the school. Please contact at the school office for prices and to make your purchases.
EYFS and Infants (Years 1 and 2)
Charcoal grey or Navy blue Jogging bottoms (Nursery only)
White polo shirt with school logo (collection from school office)
Blue sweatshirt
Plain grey track suit bottom
Plain grey long trousers
Shorts (summer uniform)
White polo shirt with school logo (collection from school office)
Blue sweatshirt/cardigan
Pinafore dress or skirt and plain grey trousers
Dark blue and white check/stripe dress (summer)
Hijab - black, dark blue or white
Plain black school shoes (No trainers allowed)
Plain tights / socks – grey, black or white
Juniors (Years 3-6)
Navy blue jumper with school logo
School tie
Navy blue blazer with school logo (collection from school office)
Plain white short/long sleeve shirt
Black school shoes (No trainers)
Book Bag – ( collection from school office)
Plain grey trousers
Plain grey shorts (Summer)
Black, white or grey socks
Plain grey trousers, pinafore dress or skirt (winter)
Blue & white check dress (summer)
Plain tights / socks – grey, black or white
Hijab – Plain - Black, Navy Blue or White
Blue, white, grey or black hair accessories.
The following are not permitted in the school:
- Jewellery or makeup
- Hair groove / lines
- Hair dye
- Acrylic nails
The PE kit consists of:
- Blue PE top with school logo ( collection from school office)
- Plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms or shorts (no prints, designs, stripes or logos)
- Plain black plimsolls or trainers
Children can wear their school jumper ober the PE top when outside. They are not allowed to wear any other kind of top
Find out about PE timetable here

Swimming Kits
- Towel and swimming hat - goggles for competent swimmers only.
- Girls - full swim suit (leggings are not allowed)
- Boys - swimming shorts (no trunks allowed)
- £1 required for locker (refundable each week) - Optional